Official Statistics

The importance of Official Statistics

Official Statistics are an essential part in creating an informed society for the people of Ireland. This data is indispensable in evidence based policy decisions taken in Ireland every year around such themes as health, economic, social and environmental needs. Therefore the fundamental principles of independence, timeliness, accessibility, quality and confidentiality that lie at the heart of Official Statistics makes this statistical data more important than ever.

What are Official Statistics?

Official Statistics are defined in the Statistics Act, 1993 as statistics compiled by the CSO or any other public authority whether under the Statistics Act, 1993 or otherwise.

For the purpose of the ISS CoP, ‘Official Statistics’ will be agreed between the Director General of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and the head of the relevant public authority where they are considered to be of sufficient public interest and satisfying the following criteria:

  • produced by or on behalf of a public authority;
  • continuous i.e. there should be a reasonable expectation that the published statistic will be updated with new data to provide comparability over time;
  • where a statistic is produced as a “one-off” the Director General of the CSO, in consultation with the responsible public authority, may deem the statistic an Official Statistic if it is considered to be of public interest;
  • in the public domain.

Public service bodies that have received the ISSCoP award to date are Revenue, Department of Finance, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment. For a list of their related products that have achieved ISSCoP certification, please see below.

List of Official Statistics ISSCoP Certified

Health Research Board

Activities of Irish Psychiatric Units and Hospitals Report

Community Healthcare Organisation (CHO) Area Bulletins

Irish Psychiatric Units and Hospitals Census Report

Department of Social Protection

Statistical Information on Social Welfare Services Annual Report

Social Welfare Quarterly Statistical Report

Higher Education Authority

Student Data
Graduate Data

Department of Education

1.Class Size (UOE[1] Questionnaire)
Enrolments (UOE Questionnaire)
Entrants (UOE Questionnaire)
Quality and Accuracy Information related to Education Statistics
Educational Expenditure (UOE Questionnaire)
Graduates (UOE Questionnaire)
ISCED Mapping (UOE Questionnaire)
Foreign Language Learning (Eurostat Questionnaire)
Educational Personnel (UOE Questionnaire)
Regional Enrolment (Eurostat Questionnaire)

  1. UOE (UNESCO-UIS / OECD / EUROSTAT) education statistics data collection

Department of Health

Additional module for Eurostat statistics (Joint Questionnaire on Non-Monetary Health Care statistics)
Common module WHO-OECD-Eurostat - Health Care Activities
Common module WHO-OECD-Eurostat - Health Employment
Common module WHO-OECD-Eurostat - Hospital discharges according to ISHMT/ICD
Common module WHO-OECD-Eurostat - Physical resources
Common module WHO-OECD-Eurostat - Workforce Migration 

Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment

Annual Employment Survey
Annual Business Survey of Economic Impact

Environmental Protection Agency

The Waste Framework Directive Report
The Joint OECD Eurostat Municipal Indicator

Department of Finance

The Fiscal Monitor (Not including the profiles or the commentary about the profiles)


Revenue Receipts by Taxhead
Revenue Receipts by Sector
Revenue Receipts by County
Breakdown of Capital Acquisition Tax Receipts
Breakdown of Stamp Duty Receipts
Local Property Tax (LPT) Statistics (end year reports)
Local Property Tax (LPT) Statistics (quarterly reports)
Costs of Tax Expenditures (Credits, Allowances and Reliefs)
Certain Property Based Tax Reliefs
Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) Statistics (end year reports)
Home Renovation Incentive HRI) Statistics (monthly updates)
Employment and Investment Incentive (EII) Statistics 2012-2016
Help To Buy (HTB) Incentive Statistics
RVA01: Distribution of Income Tax by Type of Gross Income, Range of Gross Income, Marital Status, Year and Statistic
RVA02: Distribution of Income Tax by Range of Taxable Income, Marital Status, Year and Statistic
RVA03: Distribution of Universal Social Charge by Range of USC Income, Marital Status, Year and Statistic
RVA04: Distribution of Income Tax and Universal Social Charge by Range of Gross Income, Marital Status, Year and Statistic
RVA05: Distribution of Interest Relief on Home Loans by Range of Total Income, Marital Status, Year and Statistic
RVA06: Distribution of Corporation Tax by Range of Net Income, Type of Incomes or Tax, Year and Statistic
RVA07: Distribution of Corporation Tax Allowances, Reliefs and Deductions by Range of Net Income, Type of Credit or Deduction or Allowance, Year and Statistic
RVA11: Distribution of Main Tax Credits by Marital Status, Type of Tax Credits, Reliefs and Exemptions, Type of Taxpayer and Year
RVA08: VAT Payments and Repayments by Range of VAT Payment/Repayment, Year and Statistic
RVA09: VAT by Range of Gross Income from Trade or Profession (Case I or II), Year and Statistic
RVA10: VAT by Range of Gross Income, Year and Statistic
Income Tax Calculation Statistics
Income Earners by Income Tax Rate
Income Tax
Income Earners by USC Rates
Corporation Tax Calculation Statistics
Registrations, Assessments and Transactions
VAT Registrations by Sector
Vehicle Registration Tax
Breakdown of Capital Acquisition Tax Returns (Geographic)
Breakdown of Stamp Duty Returns
RTA01: Value Profile of New Cars Registered by Value, Type of Registration and Year
RTA02: Profile of Used (Imported) Cars Registered by Age, Type of Registration and Year
RTA03: Used Imported Cars by Country of Last Registration and Year
Sheriff and Solicitor Enforcement statistics
Breakdown by County of the Range of Employments by Employers
Excise Receipts by Commodity
Excise Volumes by Commodity
Excise Licences
Breakdown of Betting Duty Receipts
Incidence of Duty and VAT Taxation
Historic Alcohol Receipts
Annual Report Statistics
High Income Individuals' Restriction Statistics
The Farming Sector in Ireland: A Profile from Revenue Data.

The list of Official Statistics will be developed and updated over time. Official Statistics will be listed on this web page when they are assessed to be in accordance with the ISSCoP.